Forever Bare BBL

Comfortable & Safe Hair Removal Technology.

Forever Bare™ from Sciton is a revolutionary technology in hair removal. Traditionally, hair removal devices apply all of their energy to any given area all at once. By sending multiple lower fluence pulses at a high repetition rate, Forever Bare™ provides a safe, fast, efficacious, and comfortable treatment. The motion BBL technology allows for extremely even heating of hair follicles and minimizes missed areas with traditional hair removal devices.

View the product brochure by clicking HERE.


  • Say Goodbye to Shaving, Tweezing, or Waxing.

    Forever Bare uses light to target the melanin in the hair follicle’s growth centers. The light converts to heat to destroy the follicle at the source. Without its growth center, hair follicles can no longer grow in the treatment area(s).

    No matter which device or provider you choose, multiple laser hair removal treatments are required simply because the treatment targets the active phase of the hair growth cycle. When hair is in the resting (telogen) phase, it can’t properly absorb light or generate enough heat to cause damage to the growth center.

    As long as you follow your medical provider's customized laser hair removal plan, you’ll enjoy long-lasting results. Believe it or not, laser hair removal effectively eliminates 80 to 90% of hair within the treated areas. Even if you notice hair growing back, it is typically finer and less noticeable than before. For most people, that means there is no longer a need for daily shaving or even monthly waxing to achieve the ultimate silky smooth look. Laser hair removal is safe for most skin tones and hair textures.

  • Fast. Forever Bare offers the highest power and repetition rate of any light device. This allows for quick treatment times that can be performed over a lunch break!

  • There is no downtime associated with the Forever BARE BBL™ treatment, making it a popular choice for those looking for long-term results without sacrificing time for significant recovery away from their everyday activities.

  • For the first 60 minutes after treatment, you may experience minor redness or swelling. This is a natural and expected response by the skin, indicating that the treatment was performed correctly.

    You must wear a physical barrier (sunscreen, clothing) and limit your sun exposure after treatment.

  • Typically a series of 3 to 6 treatments will produce a considerable amount of hair reduction in the treated area. However, the frequency of your treatment will depend on the speed at which your hair grows and the color and thickness of the hair.

    No matter which device or provider you choose, multiple laser hair removal treatments are required simply because the treatment targets the active phase of the hair growth cycle. When hair is in the resting (telogen) phase, it can’t properly absorb light or generate enough heat to cause damage to the growth center.

    As long as you follow your customized laser hair removal plan from your medical provider, you’ll enjoy long-lasting results. Believe it or not, laser hair removal effectively eliminates 80 to 90% of hair within the treated areas.